Путешествие в Нормандию мне очень понравилось! Олег и Мария очень приятные, добрые и отзывчивые люди! Я давно не снимала и практически утратила все технические навыки, боялась, что не буду успевать за движением света и группой, но ребята оказались очень терпеливыми и прекрасными учителями! Олег и Машенька снова и снова, каждый день уделяли мне внимание и помогали разобраться в настройках камеры и параметрах съемки. И у меня получились фотографии с iconic views! Маршрут вообще продуман очень грамотно – переезды легкие, достаточно времени на сон, классный минивэн с приятной музыкой! Мы снимали культовые исторические локации, уютные улочки с чудными домишками, необыкновенной красоты морские пейзажи. Так же ребята включили в тур дополнительные небольшие экскурсии – мы посетили изысканный сад прекрасной мадам, расположенный над городом, в котором жил Клод Моне. Машенька прекрасный гид и постоянно рассказывала нам что-то интересное о тех местах, которые мы посещали. Особенно меня впечатлил готический собор, в основании которого лежит поистине драматически-мистическая история о рыцаре и его нежнейшей сестре, которой он отрубил голову. Собор настолько красивый, что я даже отправилась туда ночью – думала помру от страха и увиденной красоты! Еще мне понравились маяки – огромные волны накатывали и обрушивались на них, но маяки такие крепкие, что это вызывало во мне чувство гордости и восторга и мне хотелось так же сопротивляться стихии, так же рассекать тьму светом своего сознания. Розовые скалы – это поистине «вишенка на торте»! Они словно сказочные великаны или кости драконов – глядишь на них и захватывает дух от причудливости природы.
О боги, какая же вкусная выпечка во Франции! Тур, действительно, гастрономический! Свежайшие устрицы (особенно мне понравились плоские, с ореховым вкусом)! Гребешки под сливочным соусом просто объедение! По рекомендации Олега мы отведали еще и морских ушек. Каждый день мы пробовали вино и кальвадос, а еще я первый раз попробовала очень вкусное вишневое пиво!
Группа тоже оказалась славной – мы сдружились и много общались по душам. А еще в Нормандии и Бретани качественные и вкусные сувениры.
I did know Oleg by social networks. As a photographer, I am always seeking for the best world photographers to go with and I always did like his style, his way to process and his elegance. I contact him to do some workshops together. The first one was I Tuscany, with his lovely family and immediately we connected. The second trip was to Faroe Island in last July. I am going to speak about this last one.
Oleg knows already the major locations and points of interest in the places where you go with him. He has already prepared very professionally different routes, that select according the local meteorology each night/morning to get the best possible photographs. He is taking care of all the logistics needed to have a successful day: transports, restaurants, oil stations, resting’s, etc. In this way your unique preoccupation is to take good photos! And also enjoy some local tourism and meals!
On the other hand, he is very friendly and you feel like that very soon, and establish a strong relationship with him. He always tries to help you with everything. From the photographic point of view, shares his impressions about the location, the best place and compositions, advices, etc.
During our trip, we visit almost the best locations in the Faroe Islands. Since awesome waterfalls, to fjords, little villages, churches, coastline landscape, eg. We did fly the drone when the strong wind lets us. We repeated some locations until we got pictures with good light. We went to photograph puffins and marine birds to Mykenes Island, who involved a ferry connection. Amazing day and amazing trip.
As resume: I shall keep travelling with Oleg and I recommended him thoroughly. He is the perfect partner for your trips.
I recently did a trip in Slovenia with Oleg and Maria. This wonderful couple did an excellent job. I liked their enthusiasm to ensure that our group did not miss the sunrises and the sunsets, not to forget the day trips. Full credit goes out to the couple for encouraging us to begin our day at 5 AM. Everyday! Oleg and Maria were good at planning the itinerary. In the week that we were together, we could capture the very essence of Slovenian landscapes. Above all, the couple are excellent photographers and good teachers. There was plenty of learning for me. Long story short, I am sure to be with them again in the near future. I wish them all the very best for their travels. – Prakash Bang, Pune, India.
Just got back from an amazing trip to Normandy and Brittany with Oleg. From my first contact with him on social media, my reception at the Paris airport, until our farewell 9 days later, I felt as if we had been friends for many years. He is truly a maestro of its kind. Great organizer, encourager and really nice person. The trip was well organized, in terms of the choices of the places we visited, the hotels we stayed in, and the restaurants we ate at. The atmosphere and company created thanks to him was truly incredible. Of course, the amazing landscapes we photographed with wonderful sunrises and sunsets also played a part since we were always there on time. Although we walked a lot, I never felt tired for a moment because I felt like a member of a well-tuned orchestra led by Oleg. In the end I returned with 150 Gb of photographic material, full of beautiful images in my mind and full of batteries. I felt that this trip was worth much more than the money I spent, and that is solely due to Oleg. Keep up the amazing work dude. I am sure that if we are healthy there will be many more photography trips of your that I will participate in.
I have chosen this Normandy-Bretagne photo tour organised by Oleg based on my personal preferences – and this one was corresponding completely: new and interesting region for me, well prepared route with clearly defined photo spots and places to visit (some of them just top tourist destination like Pont-Saint-Michelle but this period of time is ideal to visit them..). And of course all priority to photo shooting on sunrises and sunsets 😁 This tour exceed my expectation and I enjoyed it a lot! I could just free my brain from everything else and concentrate on photography, because Oleg is organised all logistic for this tour in very optimal way. It was well organised but flexible and it give us some space for improvisations – the chance to visit beautiful island with light houses out of our prepared program. Nature also decided to give us week of fantastic beautiful weather which is often quite unpredictable in this region this time.
I am really glad that my first photo tour was so well organised, was so intensive and interesting and even weather surprised us and gives us 6 days non-stop “crazy photogenic” sunrises and sunsets – which in result gives us a lot of nice photos 👍
О расширении своих границ. Друзья, спасибо за удивительное приключение, и открытие в себе новых талантов. Я совсем не профессиональный фотограф и вообще, очень стеснительный человек в отношении признания своих успехов, но жаждущий новых знаний. Для таких же новичков, скорее всего этот пост-экскурс в мои ощущения. О прекрасном сервисе, искусно подобранных локациях для проживания, питания и конечно же фото, я не буду говорить много, так как Олег и Мария профессионалы своего дела и лично я наслаждалась. Видя программу, не профи, конечно может быть озадачен подъёмами на съёмку рассвета в 4:30 утра, для профи это азарт. Поверьте, на иглу этого азарта вы садитесь с первого же утра, когда приезжаете на локацию и вообще не понимаете чему тут восхищаются профи, бурно делясь эмоциями о свете, цвете, небе….. начинаете думать, что компания товарищей слегка опьянена утренним горным воздухом. Потом берёте в руки камеру ( для новичков, Олег и Мария их даже предоставляют) и начинаете целиться – куда?-это сложно понять 🙂 Я первый день провела в поисках что бы сфотографировать, наверное это смешно смотрелось. Ко второму дню уже уловила что такое “телевик” и для чего он нужен ( сленгу фотографов можно вообще посвятить целый рассказ). Дальше началась магия, начинаешь подглядывать и даже нагло копировать то, что делают профи. Тут нужно отдать должное Олегу и Марии, так как они помимо своих шедевральных снимков, не отходили от участников программы ни на шаг и помогали абсолютно в каждом шаге обучения. Лично для меня магия была в том, что я тестировала разные техники съёмки и они получались ( в пропорции 1 из 50), а учитывая, что в этом путешествии я была с сыном пубертатного возраста ( ребята, спасибо за терпение) я видела как его увлекает искусство фотографии и ставила маленький плюс своему решению взять его с собой. Если быть очень краткой то могу описать свои ощущения по шкале от:
1.что же тут снять?
2.О! Тут нужно лечь на землю, прицелиться и будет то, что нужно
3.Волосы из воды, стоим ждём, не дышим
4. Предыдущее упражнение без штатива и спустя время, о, есть камень, он заменит штатив
А дальше, свет, тень, композиция, выдержка и вас подхватывает волна безграничного счастья. Вы уже видите, что снимать, вы немного понимаете как, и всё чаще нагло подходите копировать настройки профи 🙂 На второй день вставать на съёмку рассвета было очень легко, позабавило что подросток, также начал втягиваться и не произнёс ни одного слова против пеших подъёмов, а наоборот стремился быть первым ( напоминаю съёмка рассвета и с высоты это красивее). Это магия обращения к себе и раскрытия своих возможностей, это общение с миром здесь и сейчас, это умение находиться в моменте и ощущать чудо всеми фибрами вашей души. И это чудо не заканчивается, так как после нашего возвращения, садясь утром за руль я смотрю на небо и радуюсь цветам, меня радует туман и я знаю какие чудеса он может творить – вы видели танцующий туман? Я радуюсь и всегда возвращаюсь к тем чудесным утренним подъёмам на вершины с которых можно рукой дотянуться до неба через телевик.
Ребята, спасибо огромное за инъекцию любви к пейзажной фотосъёмке, за ваше терпение, заботу в каждом шаге и возвращение к себе с каждым расcветом.
Tour to Slovenia in 2019 was the first photo tour in my life, as I started to learn photography only half a year ago. I chose it because I was greatly impressed by stunning landscape photos of Oleg in his Instagram, and during the tour we visited these beautiful locations. The organization, itinerary of the tour were excellent. Being a beginner in photography, I received professional advice and help as regards approach to making pictures, photography techniques from Oleg and his colleague Robert always when needed, and they were right to the point. I enjoyed the beauty of Slovenian nature in its most impressive period of ‘golden’ autumn in October, and learnt many useful photo hints.Thank you very much!
Oleg Rest is a talented photo instructor with phenomenal photography knowledge. I really enjoyed Slovenia photography tour in October 2022 and I am booking another tour with Oleg Rest. Oleg has an easy-going personality and is very accommodating, so it was a delight to spend 7 days with him. Oleg’s tours are not only about photography but also experience you will remember for a while and meeting new people making friends for life. His attention is focused on providing clients with comfort and incredible unique locations. Oleg does care about his client’s and is extremely helpful for all level photographers from beginners to advanced. I also appreciated his generous sharing of photography knowledge. I was impressed how Oleg presented the feel of landscape photography and moments we experienced during sunrise and sunset magical hours and how to capture that moment with camera. Oleg assures everyone has a portfolio image from each location we visit. I was able to improve my composition knowledge in each location. Oleg’s style of training is fantastic. I highly recommend booking workshops/tours with Oleg Rest.
We joined Oleg and Robert for a 7 days photography tour in beautiful Slovenia.Number of tour members was just right. They know where and when to go for the best shots. Sunrises and sunsets at the right spots and good timing. Besides, they share their knowledge and advanced our photographic skills. They also chose some good places for food and had great fun. Thank you for an enjoyable, considering, caring, funny and crazy accompany. We plan to join them again for the next trip.
If you crave pristine, exotic locations to photograph along side seasoned travel professional photographers in a small group settings, Oleg Rest & Robert Bilos Photography tour fit the bill. I would like to thank both of them for all their planning, preparation and worry they put into it, and thank you for getting the group around safely. I experienced and photographed so many beautiful sights at The Dolomites and received so many valuable personal photography instructions from Oleg & Robert. They are genuinely talented, humble and helpful. It was a great experience, and I would definitely consider being a return customer!
This Dolomites workshop was my first landscape photography workshop experience. Before that I just travel alone or with my friends. I was so excited about this, because our guides was two professional photographers, Oleg and Robert! During the workshop I learned a lot from them about photography techniques, and editing tricks. We were lucky with the great weather, we saw beautiful colors and spots. The guys motivated us to wake up early, for shooting sunrises. I’m so satisfied with my trekking conditions, and it absolutely worth it! I have many many beautiful pictures, and beautiful moments at the spots! The hotels were great, we had a delicious breakfast after the hard hikes, and we were eating original Italian foods at the evenings in friendly restaurants! We had a great photography group with good vibe!! A lot of laughs with good coffees and cakes! 🙂 I hope I will return to Dolomites again with these 2 photographer guys!
I signed up for the Tuscany Workshop in May 2019 with Oleg Rest having only seen his pictures and workshop itinerary online. It turned out to be an awesome decision as this was the best photography experience I could have imagined. Oleg picked me up upon my arrival at the Rome airport and we drove to the beautiful countryside of Tuscany. The villa we would call home for the week sits on a large hill overlooking rolling hills with a 360 degree view. That view alone may have been worth the entire trip. We spent the entire week immersed in photography, waking up before dawn each morning to shoot sunrise. Each morning we went to an epic location. Oleg would offer any advice/help that was needed to capture that morning’s shoot. Each afternoon was spent exploring an ancient city and shooting street scenes. Evening was dedicated to sunset, and again each location was better than the next. Breakfast and dinner was at the Villa, and lunch was at a different city each day.
Oleg aso provided me with a separate session on Lightroom and Photoshop, which served to help with invaluable tips for editing.
It was a truly magical experience, one I would recommend wholeheartedly to any photo enthusiast.
I went with Oleg on a photo tour to the Dolomites in October 2019. This photo tour really impressed me and I keep the warmest memories about it! It was excellently organized, including precise pick up time, nice hotels, well-planned route and great restaurants with local food. We visited the most famous photo locations in the Dolomites, but also explored the area to search for less known but beautiful places to photograph. We always were in the right places and at the right time to take photos at the most favorable conditions during sunrises and sunsets. Oleg is really enthusiastic and dedicated photographer! He is very supportive, always gives practical advices on the settings and the most advantageous angles for the best photo even in classical photo locations. I learned a lot of tricks and enjoyed his easy going and creative attitude. Oleg is very warm, positive and easy in communication person, he is readily willing to share his experience and help people to grow their skills. It was really my pleasure to join this trip and share the passion for nature and photography! Oleg, thank you for the great organization, inspiration and experience!
If you have never gone on an Oleg Rest photo workshop, sign up now! You will not regret it! I cannot say enough, or recommend it highly enough. I recently returned from two of Oleg’s back-to-back workshops in Slovenia and the Italian Dolomites, and was blown-away. It literally took me three weeks to come back to reality though I was back home already!Oleg is different than many other workshop leaders in that he will do whatever it takes to make this an unforgettable experience for you. The minute you get out of the car with your camera, you get the sense that this workshop is just for you. Oleg is as selfless as he is talented, and so generous with his time and sharing of his skills. The workshops took us on journeys through parts of Europe I will never ever forget. Oleg made sure we photographed the best places, in the best light. This often meant moving around quickly from one location to another, and this whirlwind of activity made for one of the most amazing, eye-opening experiences of my life.The level of learning exceeded my expectations, and the quality of my photographs now shows that. These workshops re-set my own passion for photography into high gear, and has motivated me to learn moreThe small workshop size made it comfortable to ask questions and get help, and the communication was exceptional. We bonded as a group in both workshops, and will take this once-in-a-lifetime experience into our future as emerging photographers.Oleg’s love of photography is only matched by his appreciation of the nature that surrounded us, and the heart-felt passion he shows for teaching photographers all that he knows. While he shows you how to take better photographs, the real differentiator is that he teaches you how to tap into the energy and light of a particular location. It makes all the difference when you see the end result!I absolutely recommend Oleg Rest workshops for your photographic development!